Hi all,
I know, I know… I’ve been idling with my blog for quite some time now (ok, ok, I admit, I’ve been not updating it for a very long time now :P) mainly because it’s the school holidays and I don’t really have internet access at home. It’s quite a hard to get in touch with close friends. I have to do it the old school and sometimes preferable way: either meeting up with them or by calling them. Now that I’ve updated myself, it’s time to get to the gist of what I really wanted to say: I think I’ve changed quite a bit. Things that seem a matter of life and death a few months ago seem quite trivial and childish when I look back on things. I have new perceptions on things that matter: and to tell you the truth, it’s always the small things that matters the most. I’ve experience new things that fell like heaven on a crystalline touch, that perfect moment where you felt like on the back of an angel riding and soaring towards the heavens, felt that perfect harmony, that perfect sensation where everything is all right. I’ve also felt the demons that threaten to tear you apart, separating your soul from the guiding light, make you see everything with such suspicion that you see the hypocrisy of it all and start to wonder about whether all that you have done counts for something.
I’ve done much soul searching, and I found the peace in myself. I’ve seem to reach a conclusion that there must be a balance in all things, backed by the common wisdom saying of how too much of a good thing is bad. I found some nuggets of wisdom that seem to affect me profoundly and deeply. The first one is of a defensive sort in nature: Endure. In enduring, grow strong. Simple words, yet manipulated to have such deep and resounding meaning on how we should face obstacles. The second one regales about belief as a universal tool: all other qualities that we aspire to have are meaningless without it. Belief has the power to move mountains and turn the order of the universe towards its will. Believe in something hard enough and it is bound to materialize from the infinite depths of our imagination. A true example and the most common belief is love: and therefore, it is the strongest. Ask a scientific researcher about love and all he could churn out would be facts and figures, masking the true essence of love with calculations and the biochemistry that our body produces when in such said state. Ask a believer in love, and this is what he could have said: love is universal yet individual, comes in infinite forms and is as wild and chaotic as one wants it to be.
The third is the importance of *knowing* oneself: In knowing oneself, I would be referring to the ability to understand your very own nature: how you behave, talk, walk, sleep and even think. In knowing yourself, you would identify how you are portrayed to others and seek out means to prove it. One simple exercise to further illustrate the point: simply jot down the qualities that you aspire to have that is present in friends or others. Observe from them how these qualities are portrayed, learn from them and apply what you have learnt. After several years, you would notice that you would observe yourself, and find yourself complete with your desired qualities. Thanks for taking time to read out my rantings. Bye!