Friday, May 9, 2008

Doing JavaJive... Hope it works...

Hi all,

It's been tremendously long before my last post, and I fear that this blog is going to get rotten :( So I'm starting it all over again in an effort to revive the old through new entries. Let's see, since the last post, there's alot of things going on. I've gone into block mode with this three subjects: MLBI, ITSB and UIR. They seem quite easy, but it involves alot on the theory part, and studying for them will definitely take some time. I've also signed up for the JavaJive competion (also involving alot of work and sleepless nights). I'll hope that it'll be good enough to be counted as a major project and we'll be able to travel to the region and win it all. Good luck everyone, and wish you all the best. Till next time, bye!

Your friendly neighbourhood Blogger

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