Monday, January 21, 2008

Long time awaiting

Hi all,

It's been a long time since I've come to my usual habits of online journalism, and ok, I'm abit rusty, but boy, do I have alot to talk about. My confidence has been booming to the maximum since I received my price money of $2000. It does feel very en-rich-ing (pardon the pun =P) having cash at hand and the absolute disposal of it, all according to one's whims and fancy. I've bought all my "essential" equipment: and my very basic "essentials" include a limited edition deep red PSP (to say the very least). I've blindly spend it, and it does feel oh so good. To catch the very attention of other lessers (people with ordinary PSPs) on my daily rides between school and home and gaining their envy would be enough revenge on my part for all those times where I'm left without the plaything while the others are happily playing away. Indeed, life is good. Ha ha. Well, I'm done writing my thoughts. Till next time.

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