My fellow readers, here I am again, unable to explain to you about my enormous relapse into laziness and not posting a new entry since... well, never. I hope you can forgive me, and continue to enjoy stories from my blog. I really need to cleanse this habit of procrastination from myself, for this point of time in my life I am at a crossroads, where every move I make may determine my future forever. A lot has happened since my last post, and as god is my witness, I shall try my best to write them all down in my later entries.
Today is a special day for me. I've just celebrated my Birthday. I should be happy. But I'm freaking sad now. Sad to the core. Sad to the depths of my soul. And tired. Because, on this day, of all days, I found out about an impending dateline for my all important Major Project. And the dateline is on NEXT MONDAY, 12/01/2009. I guess some of you don't understand what the big fuss is all about. Well, this project is about the last of my subjects that i need to take, and it represents a HUGE chunk of my scores and will affect my GPA tremendously.
Imaging 3 years of hard work, all gone down the drain because of one lazy ass mistake. Me. But hey, today's my birthday. So I'm going to really try to enjoy my Chocolate Fudge Cheese Cake. Must have cost a fortune. Thanks Mom. Happy Birthday Lokman. Hang on to the ride of your life. :P
Moi Birthday Cake. :P

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