I know, I know, It's been a damn long time since I've updated my blog and this has on many occasions left my fellow faithful readers feeling very disappointed. On behalf of myself I would like to apologize profusely for the delays and for my procrastination and humbly hope that my apologies are accepted. :P Now, back on track to my Australian adventures. Truly a lot has happened during my stay here. I've learned to cook, clean, be responsible for my own well-being, set ground rules for myself, learned quite a lot on how to rely mostly on moi, help others through the day as much as I can and generally grow to be a more matured and responsible adult. (ya right, a matured and responsible ADULT :P) I've met and made very good friends during this trip and I'm quite sure that I'll be remembering them forever. Life at the lodge (or if you prefer to call it 'hostel') has given me quite a unique experience and a sense of community bond as we all stay and go about our daily lives under one roof.
Given this opportunity, I would also raise my hand in the highest salute to those who have left their country in the pursuit of knowledge. I have experienced on a firsthand account basis the obstacles and difficulties faced by international students and how they would use the means that they have as much as possible to survive and also thrive in their new environments. (Trust me, studying in a foreign country can be more difficult than you think. :P) In spite of all the tremendous amount of difficulties, they still wish to plough ahead and persevere in what they do. From the bottom of my heart, I wish them great success, and they have gained my utmost respect.
On the lighter side, living in a foreign country can be extremely fun! :P Literally, you will have the whole of the country at your feet for exploration. My example for this case is when the lodge villagers (I refer people who live in the lodge by this name :P) made a weekend getaway to Rainbow Beach. It was a heck of a good time, and for the very first time in my life, I surfed the waves! :P To me, life can't get any better than this. Well, that's it for today, see you next time, bye!
Rainbow Beach
My friends playing soccer in the sand
Moi :P